

위・아래 삭제 복제 복제전송
수정 링크걸기 링크해제
위・아래 삭제 복제 복제전송 텍스트기본스타일
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위・아래 삭제 복제 복제전송 텍스트기본스타일
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위・아래 삭제 복제 복제전송 텍스트기본스타일
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위・아래 삭제 복제 복제전송 텍스트기본스타일
  • 행수 :
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Foreigners living in Korea or those living overseas who seek counseling services in English

Contents of Counseling Services
Adjustment challenges in Korea, conflicts and confusion due to cultural differences, adjustment challenges or interpersonal difficulties at work in Korea, loneliness due to homesickness, difficulties to date with Koreans and conflicts on romantic relationships with Koreans, marriage concerns with Koreans, various conflicts in marriage with Koreans, mental problems such as depression and anxiety.

Counseling Services and How to Reserve
There are face-to-face and non-face-to-face counseling services. Non-face-to-face services are available through online chatting and phone calls.
You can get information on an appointment if you contact 02.543.7577 (our representative phone number). Counseling services may be difficult depending on the counselor's situation, so please make a reservation at least a week in advance.
위・아래 삭제 복제 복제전송 텍스트기본스타일
  • 행수 :
    열수 :
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    • 실선
    • 점선
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    • 1.3em
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    • 2.5em
    • 3em
Foreigners living in Korea or those living overseas who seek counseling services in English

Contents of Counseling Services 
Adjustment challenges in Korea, conflicts and confusion due to cultural differences, adjustment challenges or interpersonal difficulties at work in Korea, loneliness due to homesickness, difficulties to date with Koreans and conflicts on romantic relationships with Koreans, marriage concerns with Koreans, various conflicts in marriage with Koreans, mental problems such as depression and anxiety.

Counseling Services and How to Reserve 
There are face-to-face and non-face-to-face counseling services. Non-face-to-face services are available through online chatting and phone calls.
You can get information on an appointment if you contact 02.543.7577 (our representative phone number). Counseling services may be difficult depending on the counselor's situation, so please make a reservation at least a week in advance.